The future of agriculture depends on its resilience; the capacity to adapt to sudden, rapid changes such as climate change and socio-economic disruptions. At AgroResilience we strive for sustainable and resilience food systems, because we believe these are key features of systems in coping with external and internal disturbances. To build a resilient food system we need to innovate and re-think the way we produce and trade food. We need to transform agriculture through ecological principles and move away from industrial mono-culture and over-dependence on pesticides and their detrimental effects on people and nature. We are an organization composed by enthusiastic and creative people working with care and devotion to our mission. Our experience worldwide helps to assist our partners in the implementation of resilient and sustainable systems, as well as strengthening their capacity to create exceptional learning experiences and custom eLearning solutions to drive sustainable food systems. We work hand in hand with partners, bringing optimal and tailored made solutions that deliver value to your organization. To be the leading organization in sustainable agriculture services that contributes to solving the challenges food systems face worldwide.
To develop capacities and tools in sustainable agriculture through training, innovation, coaching and development of learning tools.
To promote resilience in the agriculture sector.
We acknowledge the challenges faced by farmers and supply chain actors in transitioning to environmental recovery and resilient systems. This transformation involves, in most cases, the implementation of sustainability standards in order to meet the market demand and bring assurance to consumers so that farmers can get recognition for the efforts of farming sustainably. Understanding sustainability standards is a major challenge for many smallholder farmers and supply chain actors worldwide, especially when it comes to the adoption of a wide range of assurance systems and requirements. At Agroresilience, we transform technical knowledge and complexity of voluntary standards into simpler, entertaining and dynamic learning experiences. We bring innovation through the fusion of artistic skills and vast expertise in the field of sustainability to build learning modules, provide trainings and support organizations with the implementation of sustainability standards.
Our Purpose
Indira Moreno
Sergio Jacob
Ernesto Moreno
Get in touch
+31 (0) 617861414
Job Jansestraat 5, 6709TV Wageningen, the Netherlands